It only seems 5 minutes since I wrote a piece saying goodbye to our old year 6 pupils and here we are at the start of another school year!! It is great to welcome the children back after the summer break and lovely to see their smart new uniforms and how they have grown over the six weeks! Even after just a few days they are settling nicely into the routines of their new year groups and adjusting to the expectations of their new teachers.
As ever we are looking at ways of making the school experience even more enjoyable and productive for our children. One of the initiatives we are working towards this year is a nurture facility to bridge the gap between home and school and help children with their social and emotional wellbeing. In addition we have continued to employ Mr Littlefair to enhance PE throughout the school and develop after school sports provision. A major curriculum focus this year will be to improve children’s ability to write for a variety of purposes, including writing to entertain, to inform and to persuade. As in previous years we have managed to set aside funds to pay for educational visits for all classes to bring topics to life and provide hands on learning experiences.
On behalf of the teachers can I ask you to help your children get into good habits of reading daily, practising times tables as often as possible and bringing homework back on time. Once again we look forward to an exciting and successful year at Willington Primary.