Primary School

Support for Emotional & Social Development

At Willington Primary School we are committed to ensuring that children have a high level of support for their personal and social development. The thoughts and feelings of the children in our school are of paramount importance to us. Our dedicated, caring and supportive staff take the time and opportunity to listen to children and parents about any additional support that they may need. Our daily, welcoming meet and greet at the classroom door allows us to check in with all children to ensure a positive start to the day for everyone.

As a school, we have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a positive reward system that follows a restorative approach to behaviour management. Children are given verbal praise, certificates and enjoy sharing their work with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher to receive a Headteacher award.  Each class also have their own system for team rewards e.g. collecting raffle tickets, balls in a jar etc.  We also have a Friday reward assembly where children from each class receive a certificate, which may be given for academic or non-academic reasons, and often for things they do over and above the basic expectations in school. These systems are embedded across school and the children enjoy their celebrations and rewards.

We produce newsletters, posts on our school Facebook page and Class Dojo to share achievements of all pupils with all our families. Our children also enjoy our termly ‘book look’ where parents are invited into class to look at the children’s work alongside their child.

As a school we also support emotional and social development through:

  • A curriculum and school ethos that has children’s social and emotional well-being at the heart of it. We have a strong PSHCE programme which includes lessons on emotional wellbeing, and can also support with targeted provision. We ensure differences are celebrated and encouraged to ensure children develop a positive sense of self and what makes them unique.
  • The opportunity for children to select a member of staff as a key person to go to as and when necessary.
  • Assembly themes that focus on social and emotional well-being of all, including visiting speakers and production companies to cover themes such as Anti-bullying
  • A reward system that encourages children to be kind, caring and considerate to others.
  • A wide range of texts are shared and discussed. These are carefully selected to help promote discussions around key issues, promote differences and inclusion.
  • Participating in National Events such as Anti – bullying week and follow up activities to ensure that we have an anti-bullying culture in school.
  • No outsiders (All different, All welcome) – an ethos and programme embedded at Willington Primary.
  • Consistent behaviour systems built on reward and respect
  • Celebration of pupil voice in school and a culture of pupil participation through e.g. School council, Eco, Sports Leaders
  • After School and Breakfast Clubs are available to promote Social Skills and general well-being for pupils.

When it is felt that additional support or intervention is necessary to support a child’s social or emotional development then we can offer:

  • A parent support officer who works with identified families and children to provide the support available to help to meet the child’s needs or signpost them to somebody who may be able to help.
  • Two members of staff have received training on nurture provision and attend regular nurture network meetings to keep up to date on training.  We run a nurture programme on an afternoon for identified children.
  • Liaison with external services where referrals for specialist advice can be made e.g. EWEL team, CAMHS, County Inclusion Team, Resilience nurse, Mental Health Support Team.
  • Access to additional resources used to target specific areas of need e.g. anxiety. These may include the use of a worry monster, mindful activities, Anxious about School Guidance, Talkabout etc.

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