We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children/young people. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
- Robust evaluation of policy and practice- The SENCO regularly attends Network meetings and training to ensure up to date knowledge and practice.
- File and Work scrutiny- The SENCO and Deputy Head teacher regularly monitor assessments, books, SeeSaw and Support Plans to ensure progress.
- Analysis of data and Pupil Progress meetings – These are held termly between the class teacher and SLT, with the SENCo attending in the Spring Term.
- Discussions with key stakeholders – The SENCo has an open door policy, allowing staff to share concerns, successes or discuss next steps. The SENCo and class teachers also regularly discuss provision with parents/carers and children.
- Learning walks and observations – The school has a programme of learning walks which are carried out by SLT, Governors and subject leads including our SENCo.
- Liaison with Local Authority SEN Teams – Where outside professionals are involved with a child in school, we liaise closely with the team to evaluate and adapt any interventions and provision that is in place.