We enable all children to engage fully in all aspects of school life. To do this, we:
- Ensure that any barriers to learning and achievement are removed for all activities to enable all children to enjoy and achieve. We liaise with the children, parents/ carers and professionals from other agencies to ensure that we adapt activities where needed.
- Ensure that our curriculum is tailored to the needs of the children. Additional adult support to model and support learning and small group interventions allows us to individualise learning and provide the extra support that will be needed by some children.
- Seek advice, adapt or change resources/equipment and access training.
- Ensure every child has the entitlement to a sense of achievement by planning for and providing opportunities for all children to participate in activities where they can succeed. We celebrate this using various rewards. For example, verbal praise, positive messages home using Class Dojo or certificates, Friday’s Celebration Assembly, Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher awards.
- Ensure that children are rewarded, not just for high attainment but, for effort, progress, resilience, perseverance and determination.
- Ensure that when planning activities such as visits and trips, SEN children are considered to ensure they can fully participate, for example, staff may visit venues and complete the relevant risk assessments.