It is important to let our children know that head lice are common and a normal part of growing up. Everyone and anyone can have head lice.
Public Health England say ‘head lice are a community based problem rather than one centred in schools. People catch head lice anywhere in the community and at home’. In an average school year, more children will ‘contract’ lice than the common cold!
What is important is to ensure you check your child’s hair on a regular basis. If lice are found check the rest of the family too. It is absolutely necessary to TREAT the infected person with one of the many options available. Did you know you can get FREE head lice lotion from your local chemist? Get those combs out and beat the bugs! These outbreaks end much more quickly if everyone gets involved. ‘Once a Week Take a Peek’
Make this a normal routine!
If you would like further information can be found here or contact your local Pharmacy or health advisor. Treating head lice is not a problem but detection and effective ongoing treatment of head lice is key to reducing the outbreaks.