‘All different, All welcome’
In Willington Primary school, there are no outsiders. We are all different and we know that this is something that should be celebrated!
As a school it is our intent to adopt the ‘No Outsiders’ ethos in all aspects of life; with our children, in communication with parents and in our wider Willington community. ‘No Outsiders’ is a programme which aims to educate children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families.
No Outsiders Core Values:
- Respect for diversity through education in schools.
- Commitment to community cohesion through understanding and acceptance of difference.
- Promotion of dialogue to counter fear and hate in society.
By embracing these principles, our school will become a safer place for all, where no child or member of our community will be treated as an outsider. Willington Primary School is a place of belonging and inclusion.
What is ‘No Outsiders’?
The No Outsider’s vision is for inclusive education, promoting community cohesion to prepare young people and adults for life as global citizens.
Here is a short video explaining more from the No Outsiders founder, Andrew Moffat. No Outsiders Video
How we will achieve this ethos?
- Whole school approach
- Shared language
- Assemblies
- Half termly lessons – linked to literature
- Praise and sanction
- Books and other literature which celebrate diversity in our classrooms.
Why is this ethos so important?
Our children leave us destined for the workplace, for a role in modern Britain. We want our children to champion inclusion and celebrate diversity. To feel that they never are an outsider and to welcome all that they meet. We believe that no one is born to hate – it is learnt – we need to teach another lesson to spread love, acceptance and tolerance.
Our children become empowered by their own sense of identity and individuality. They will be able to listen to and understand the views and beliefs of others, building positive relationships with all despite their differences. As an inclusive school, our teachers are confident to tackle and explore difficult situations, using positive language to create a sense of belonging for all.