Our values
Willington Primary School believes school should be happy, caring, safe and a stimulating environment that supports and guides all children towards achieving their full intellectual, personal and social potential. The school should be a partnership of pupils, staff, governors, parents and the community.
Our aims
The school aims to help each child develop as a happy, fulfilled and confident learner by:
- Providing a safe, purposeful and supportive environment
- Providing a broad, balanced and relevant education including the requirements of the National Curriculum and curiculum guidance for the Foundation Stage
- Enabling each child to develop their full academic, social and physical potential
- Fostering a sense of self-esteem and respect for others
- Providing experiences that are stimulating, challenging and enjoyable
- Encouraging active participation in the learning process
- Promoting both independent and co-operative learning skills
- Providing an inclusive education that values the contribution of each child
- Valuing cultural diversity and the richness of the school community
- Challenging racist, sexist and discriminatory attitudes and practice
- Encouraging a sense of wonder, spiritual awareness and responsibility for the world around them
- Developing self-discipline and a sense of social responsibility
- Recognising parents as partners in their child’s education and welcoming the contribution they make to the life of the school
No Outsiders ‘All different, All welcome’
No outsiders is embedded in our school. We are all different and we know that this is something that should be celebrated!
We need to prepare our young people for life as global citizens in a changing world. As a school it is our intent to adopt the ‘No Outsiders’ ethos in all aspects of life; with our children, in communication with parents and in our wider Willington community. ‘No Outsiders’ is a programme which aims to educate children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families. By embracing these principles, our school will become a safer place for all, where no child or member of our community will be treated as an outsider.
If you want to find out more about the ‘No Outsiders’ ethos, please click here.
Please contact the school if you require further information.