Subject Leader: Mrs Wilcox
PSHE Rationale
At Willington Primary School we value the importance PSHE plays in the lives of the children, staff and families who are part of our school. It is about the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care, for family life as well as being an active and honest member of the community.
PSHE will be reflected in our school values; be respectful, be kind, be safe. At Willington Primary School, the term PSHE includes statutory RSE. The children will refer to lessons as PSHE lessons, with the majority of the content being taken directly from the statutory guidance.
Our curriculum ensures full coverage of the RSE framework and also covers PSHE objectives which have been outlined in the PSHE association scheme of work. Objectives have been cross referenced to other subjects (RE, PE and Science) to ensure no overlap and that content is covered well. The curriculum has been planned with a spiral approach, building on key knowledge and skills throughout the school from EYFS through to Year 6. Lessons are focused mainly on sharing and discussing ideas about given themes; speaking and listening skills are prioritised heavily in PSHE lessons – hearing the child’s voice is at the heart of what we do.
PSHE is lifelong learning about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. We want our children to be confident, to know how to stay safe (on and offline) and to be healthy, both physically and mentally. We want our children to develop a clear set of human values, to be independent, to be socially and emotionally literate and to be able to develop positive, stable and loving relationships. We aim for our children to develop into well-rounded, global citizens.
Our intent is to enable children to:
- respect themselves as individuals, respect the differences in others and to treat all people as equal.
- know how to stay safe both offline and online and where to get help.
- learn to live and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.
- develop an active role as a member of a family and of the wider community.
- develop positive, stable, loving relationships.
- understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within personal relationships.
- avoid being pressured into uncomfortable or dangerous situations.
- communicate effectively by developing the appropriate language for sex and relationships issues.
- have an understanding of permission seeking/consent.
- develop awareness of their evolving sexuality, gender identity, challenge sexism and prejudice, which is inclusive to all children and young people.
- be aware of sources of help and acquire the skills and confidence to access advice and support if necessary.
Our PSHE curriculum is based on a big question which links to the RSE curriculum and the PSHE scheme of work. Each class has a set of big questions which they work on throughout the year.
Children are given opportunities to learn from one another and to take part in group/ partner work as much as possible. Speaking and listening is a fundamental part of our teaching of PSHE – we want to hear the children’s comments, opinions and questions on what they have been taught and encourage them to share their thinking. We also value the use of books to support themes in PSHE and each class has a reading spine which is linked to their big questions – these will be used to aid and support teaching in the majority of PSHE sessions throughout school.
We want our children to leave WPS with good foundations in relationships, respect and how to be a positive part of the Willington community, so that they can make informed choices as they move into their teenage years and adulthood. They should gain knowledge and understanding to form their own opinions and make informed choices.
To see our long term plan and year group overviews please click on the links below.