Statement of Intent
Willington Primary’s Long-Term Planning for History has a deliberate approach to sequencing the curriculum and the choice of content focus. At all stages, the curriculum links to previous content and concepts and identifies later links.
In Key Stage 1, the sequence of learning across Year 1 moves from History within the child’s living memory to looking at familiar features in the recent past and then gradually beyond living memory. A strong local thread runs through the content choices in Key Stage 1 to build on pupil’s prior knowledge and lay the foundations for future learning.
In Key Stage 2, knowledge is sequenced chronologically from the Stone Age through to the Mayans in Year 6. In addition to the local dimension to the studies of the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings, Year 6 has a local study linked to World War I. A thematic study of an aspect of life since 1066 has been deliberately placed at Upper Key Stage 2 to allow reconnection to prior learning.
Throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, the disciplinary knowledge of history is woven into the content choices to support effective learning of History and the readiness of pupils for their next steps.
Key Stage 1 and 2 History Long Term Plan
History in Action at Willington