At the moment the government free school meal voucher scheme is not available for parents/carers of children who receive free school meals. However, we will be providing food packs which will contain food for 5 x lunches. The food packs will be available to collect each week from school, until then we will continue to provide packed lunches to collect each day.
The food packs will contain the following items:-
800g loaf of bread

2 x jacket potatoes
1 x cucumber
3 x tomatoes
200g block of cheese
5 portions of fruit
6 eggs
400g tin of baked beans
450g yoghurt
To order your first food pack please ring or send a message to 07766 510933, private message on our Facebook page or reply to a text message you will receive today. PLEASE NOTE TO RECEIVE YOUR FIRST PACK NEXT WEEK YOU WILL NEED TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NO LATER THAN 4PM THURSDAY 7TH JANUARY.