Headteacher’s Half-Term Message
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am delighted to be able to report that we have reached half term with no classes having to isolate and no positive COVID cases. I would like to thank you all for the way you have supported the
school and followed the rules to keep everyone safe.
Even though vaccinations are ahead of schedule and restrictions are easing, I am still asking everyone in our school community to be careful and take all possible precautions to ensure we remain COVID free when we return to school on the 7th June for the remainder of the school year.
We are obviously mindful of the Indian variant and government advice is to retain our bubble system at least until the end of summer term. For this reason, we are still unable to invite parents into school unless absolutely necessary and therefore, our normal end of term activities will unfortunately have to take place behind closed doors for pupils only.
On a more positive note, since returning in March, teachers have been working flat out and children have really got stuck into their learning, resulting in a huge amount of progress being made throughout the school.
I would like to wish you all a safe and happy half term – at least the weather has come good at the right time for a change!
Mr Cornforth