Dear Parents,
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this very challenging time. As a school we will do our best to keep you supplied with activities to enable your children to practise key skills throughout the time they have to stay at home.
Your child must NOT come to school next week unless this has been pre-arranged with Mr Cornforth.
As far as next week is concerned, school is closed for almost all pupils. The only children in school will be those whose parent(s) have spoken to Mr Cornforth and explained how they cannot complete their crucial role in the COVID-19 response without child care on certain days.
From the perspective of the school, local authority and public health, the most important message for parents is that any child who can be at home should be at home. This is the best way to limit the chance of the virus spreading.
We will keep in touch with you all using Facebook, Dojo, text and school website and you can email questions to the school email:
Please follow public health guidelines regarding social distancing and isolation as this will help contain the situation and enable a speedier return to normality.
Thank you and stay safe.
Mr Cornforth and the staff of Willington Primary.