Dear Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about our curriculum areas and timetable for the coming Summer term.
In maths, the children will continue to practice their times tables and mental strategies. Children will continue to use tricky column addition and subtraction. We will continue to multiply numbers using grid method and will use grid method and number lines for division. We will be exploring decimal notation and place value. We will also work on: counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number facts, understanding shape, handling data and measures. Year 4 will be introduced to area and will continue to practise perimeter problems. Children will carry out mathematical investigations.
Over the course of the term the class will be improving their reading and writing skills using Read Write Inc Language and Literacy. We will explore narrative verse using various stimuli and discuss the use of imagery and humour. We will explore the main characters within The Bogey Men and the Trolls Next Door text and then write a character description. In the second half of the term we will be studying and writing persuasive texts. The children will write to Mr Cornforth in an attempt to persuade him to let year 4 take a trip to Mount Vesuvius in Italy.
We will study Science through a topic approach. In the first half of the term we will be learning about volcanoes. We will recreate a volcanic eruption using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar and investigate different combinations of lava to see what component causes the reaction.
This term our topic will be Volcanoes. Children will investigate and locate volcanoes around the world and discuss the impact of volcanic eruptions on people . This will help to develop their thinking and skills of deduction. We will design and make an erupting volcano. The children will develop their historical skills by exploring the eruption of Vesuvius and its affect on the people and the landscape of Italy.
The children will continue to have PE on a Thursday afternoon. On these days could you please remind your child to bring in their kit – including suitable shoes and a tracksuit or something warm in the winter in case we go outdoors. We will be playing Mini Tennis and will develop our ability to hit and pass a ball.
Homework will continue to be done in learning logs and includes a variety of activities related to the Volcanoes topic. It will be given out on a Friday and is to be handed in no later than the following Wednesday. Homework can be completed independently or with help from a family member. Spellings will be given out on a Monday to be tested the following Friday. The number of spellings given out will vary according to the spelling rule or pattern being learnt. I suggest the children learn their spellings using the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ method which they know.
As the children will be reading more demanding texts, it is essential that they keep up home reading. Reading little and often is better than a huge amount in one night, therefore children are expected to read at home about 4 times a week and bring back their reading books every day.
If you have any further questions relating to this term’s programme of study or any other general queries please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.
Many thanks
Mrs Lamb